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PostHeaderIcon Folklore Museum-"The most wonderful jewel in our city!"

Μέγεθος γραμματοσειράς

Welcome to our site which we made with the hope of arousing you the curiosity to learn more about our city and why not to increase your desire to visit it.

We put all of our love into creating this website. We attempted to describe the city which lulled us, the city where we grew up and fell in love for the first time, the city which has left its hopes upon us now so that we improve it.

In the beginning, we wondered which would be the most worthy sight in our city for you to expand your knowledge in every aspect of our city?s life. While we were searching for it, we actually found a treasure: The Folklore Museum- the Ark of treasures of cultural heritage.

For the aforementioned reason, we decided to place the Folklore History Museum in the centre as it is the most wonderful jewel in this city.

The working group