The ways in which we became (with our work) "ambassadors" for the local community through the Internet.
Working as a team, we managed to get the students and teachers of our school know the site who, then, excited by the results, talked to their friends and acquaintances.
We let the schools in our area know about our site address and students posted it in facebook. We informed the local electronic media about our work. We made an entry of our site in network search engines, so that potential questions for our region, its attractions or the Folklore Museum find their answers in our work; moreover, we ensured that findings to the above questions are included in the results provided by search engines.
Also, through our school site, visitors and friends, can access our work.
Through this work, our students have provided the incentive for many education authorities to reflect on the traditional school model and the need for its substantial modernization as well as its adaptation and the creative adoption of ICT in education.