The Library was founded in 1668. It worked initially as a school supervisor in each school's director of Greek and Kozani until 1813. This year the Kozani personal workers built near the church of St. Nicholas hutch, termed "OIKOS VELTIOSEOS". In this "synirchonto educated at times, meletosi fiber, and filologosi dialegontai". In 1880, the library had 5,600 volumes in addition to the manuscripts. After the release was decided to establish the association under the name "Reading Kozani" to "the spiritual communicative members, the spiritual needs of exypiretisin Society of Kozani and by moral and spiritual advisers veltiosin this." In 1923 the municipality of Kozani undertook the re-establishment and functions in Reading, having received from the Association "Reading of Kozani" with the Library's entire fortune. The whole organization then assigned to Professor G. Panagiotidis. Now has 100,000 volumes of books, among which many of them are rare.